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Rising from Ash Q&A from Lesbian Book Club


Lesfic book club is always fun. Being the author is a different kind of fun. It’s truly a love fest. 

I’m the type of person who can talk about things forever when I’m in the right mood, so this went a good hour and a half. I talked about the process of creating Rising from Ash and at the end I asked for everyone’s ideas for the second book. If you have ideas for what you’d like to see in book 2, feel free to add them here. 

We also touched on the Marine’s Heart series, what to expect from future books and which of my characters I’d like to marry, kill, or be stuck in a lift with. 

So check out the transcript and consider joining us for future book clubs. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sharon Martin

    I love your “Rising From Ash” book. Just wondering when book two is coming.

    1. Jax

      That’s always a good question. The past year has been incredibly challenging. While I’m finding my feet again, I’m still struggling to have enough time to write consistently, which is what I need for a novel. I have some of the major plot points but need to sit down and map some things out before I write.

      The book will come as soon as I’m able, that I know for sure. I’m glad you liked their story so far!

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