A Marine Discovery Review from Lez Review Books
All reviews are valuable, but when a reviewer finds themes and depth that I wasn't aware of, then that review is extra special to me. JulesGP from LezReviewBooks did…
All reviews are valuable, but when a reviewer finds themes and depth that I wasn't aware of, then that review is extra special to me. JulesGP from LezReviewBooks did…
When I write a book, I never know what people will think. I do my very best to write a story people will enjoy but then it gets put into…
We're in the final days before publishing A Marine's Conflict, book 4 in the Marine's Heart series! Here's the blurb for anyone who doesn't want to watch the video. Mags Newsome…
From now until May 22, all four of my books are $.99 each through Amazon.
I was discharged from the Marine Corps 20 years ago tomorrow. Today I received the most exciting news of my career.
I wrote an article about what I learned about myself through reading and writing lesbian romance, or lesfic. Read on to learn more.
Why are some series out of order? Read on to find out.
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